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APPLICATION: When you apply to ONKOMER, you will be greeted by the smiling secretaries sitting at the table at the entrance. Depending on the diagnosis of your illness, you will be directed by the secretariat to the most experienced specialist or the doctor you prefer. You will be examined by a specialist Radiation Oncologist and your reports are evaluated, the necessary information about your treatment is given, the reports are requested if there are missing information, examinations, and your file is arranged. Appointments are made for simulation and planning.

FIXING THE TREATMENT POSITION: In order for your treatment to be correct and effective, your area of illness must be targeted very well. For this, first of all, special systems should be prepared for you to keep the body stable so that you can always stay the same during the treatment. For example; In head and neck and brain patients, a special mask is made and the signs are put on the mask. In some cases, the whole body or part of the body is placed in a personally shaped mold for position fixation. These special molds are special posture stabilizing pillows that take the shape of the body when air is taken. There are curved fixation mechanisms that fix the special arm postures of breast patients. Different devices are used in patients who will undergo treatment in each region. Patients are simulated with these devices before treatment.

SIMULATION; In whatever position and device the patient will be treated, computed tomography is performed in the same way and a simulation of the treatment conditions is performed. With tomography, the relationship between the tumor and surrounding tissues is determined in the treatment area, and a 3D reconstruction is created. In the computed tomography (CT) simulator used in simulation, the relevant technician and specialist radiation oncologist provide you with the same shape in which position you need to stand in your treatment and adjust your stabilizer. IT Simulator is very different from any other IT. The opening of the device into which the patient enters is wide enough to enter it in the treatment position and with its devices. In the CT Simulator, some signs should be placed on the body so that the patient can always enter the treatment in the same position and the same position can be repeated during the treatment, these signs should not be removed.

Under the treatment conditions, many images of your area to be treated are recorded in the computer, and also the RPM camera, which is located in this special CT, detects the real-time position of the tumor in the body, determines the correct location of the tumor.

COMPUTERIZED PLANNING: Images obtained from the CT Simulator are sent to planning. After the 3-dimensional reconstruction of the images that come to the planning, the radiation oncologist examines the relationship between the tumor region and the adjacent organs to be protected from the computer together with the medical physicist. It plans the beam directions and dose according to this location. Computerized planning and physical calculations are made by taking into account the features of that device, which device needs to be treated. While the dose that should be given to the tumor area is provided as required, care is taken to protect the surrounding organs with maximum protection and to ensure that the permissible doses are within the target. Heart, lungs, kidneys, eyes, ovaries, skin, etc. in planning. How organs such as should be protected and how the tumor is best targeted are determined according to the latest internationally accepted parameters. Plans are made by taking these parameters into account, ensuring that the doses to be exposed to the patient are compatible with the permissible doses.