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Doctor Resume

Education and Professional Experience: Istanbul University Medical Faculty Radio Oncology Graduate - He became a specialist in 1981, associate professor in 1984, and professor in 1991 at the same university. He served as the head of the Department of Radiation Oncology in DEU Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology from 1992-2008. He established the first radiotherapy program in the Health Services Vocational School in 1992 and continued as the head of the program until 1999. He helped establish the Department of Medical Physics at the Institute of Health Sciences. Since 2008, he has been the Director of DEU Oncology Institute. He is currently working in our center.

Experience Abroad: He worked at Tenon Hospital in France in 1980 and at Royal Marsden Hospital in England in 1981.

Special Interests in the Profession: Generally works in all areas of radiotherapy.

Professional Association Memberships: He is the founder of the Radiation Oncology Association and organized the first "1st National Radiation Oncology Congress" in Turkey in 1994. In 1998, he was elected to the Board of the European Radiation Oncology Association (ESTRO). He served as the President of the Turkish Radiation Oncology Association in 2000-2002. He was a founding member of the Turkish Oncology Group (TOG) and was a board member until recently. He was a term president of İzmir Breast Diseases Association and conducted studies on breast cancer in İzmir. He was selected as "Turkey's Best Radiation Oncologist" in the survey conducted by Radikal Newspaper in 2005.

Publications; He has around 75-100 publications, 2 books written and edited, and 3 book chapters, mostly international.

Organizations; Organized many congresses, symposiums, and courses, including 2 international and 6 national

Prof. Dr. Münir KINAY, MD

Radiation Oncology Specialist