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Doctor Resume

He was born in 1959 in Manisa-Alaşehir and completed his secondary education in Istanbul after completing primary school in the same place.

After graduating from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1982, he served compulsory service in Ordu-Unye between 1982-1984. After his military service between 1985-1986, he started his specialty education in Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1986 and completed his specialty education in the same place in 1991 and received the title of Radiation Oncology Specialist.

After working as a specialist doctor in the same place between 1991-1992, he was appointed as the chief assistant in the Radiation Oncology Clinic of SSK Istanbul Okmeydanı Hospital in 1992. He became an associate professor in 2009.

He started working at Karadeniz Technical University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Radiation Oncology in February 2013 and became a Professor in 2014. He worked at the same place until September 2019, when he retired. He also lectured in KTU Health Sciences Institute Health Physics Graduate Program and Health Vocational School Radiotherapy Department.

Between 2013-2019, he served as the Head of the Department of Radiation Oncology at KTU Faculty of Medicine and the Department of Health Physics at the Institute of Health Sciences, and at the institutions where he previously worked, such as the Radiation Safety Committee and Clinical Administrative Responsibility. He is currently working in the Ministry of Health, Medical Specialization Board, Curriculum Commission.

General Secretary at the 6th National Radiation Oncology Congress Organizing Committee; He served as the congress president in the organizing committee of the 15th Medical Physics Congress. He participated in many international and domestic scientific meetings and served as speaker and session chair in more than ten congresses, symposiums, panels, and conferences. He is a referee in five national and international journals and has also provided consultancy on 20 specialty theses.

He has 60 publications, 25 international papers, 21 national publications, and 170 domestic papers published in international refereed journals.

Treatment of all cancers, especially Lung Cancers, Bone-Soft Tissue Tumors, Lymphoma, Gastrointestinal Tumors, and Breast Tumors, is of interest.

He is a member of international scientific associations such as the American Society for Clinical Oncology, American Society for Radiation Oncology, and European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology; at home, he is a member of professional national associations such as the Turkish Oncology Association, the Turkish Radiation Oncology Association, the Turkish Cancer Research, and Warfare Association and the Lung Cancer Association.

As of December 2020, he started to work in Onkomer Private Oncology Center.

He is married and has a child.

Prof. Dr. Adnan Yöney, MD

Radiation Oncology Specialist